Guyana 2010 Delegation of Missionaries

Guyana 2010 Delegation of Missionaries
Outside of the school where services were held

Group Picture

Group Picture
Me and the children!

Me and Janell with some young people

Me and Janell with some young people
Valentine's Day!

The Drummers and Dancers!

The Drummers and Dancers!
Young fellas!

Missionary work at it's best!!!!

Guyana Family

Guyana Family
Nice...(inside the bus)

Guyanese Family

Guyanese Family

Friday, February 19, 2010

Guyana Adventure #14 Last day cont'd (The End!)

So you heard about my fall and boy what a fall it was!!!!! My finger still hurts...You know alot of my skin fell off...pray for healing saints and friends!!!! So I forgot to mention that Bishop Phillips is very popular in his home town so on the last day before my fall, he took us to see the Mayor. Well I think that Mayor requested our presence at his office or something like that (Bishop Martin sent us)....Anyway Bishop Phillips is well known and took us right to the Mayor office while they were in session...guess what - they allowed us to enter into their session!!!! How awesome...they stopped session and spoke to each one of us. So I will show you some pictures of the Mayors office.
We finally get back on the bus, get something to eat and head back to the hotel. Once at the hotel, we hang out on the terrace with the rest of the delegation. I go down to the restaurant and have them cut up another pinnapple for me...this time I told them not to put an salt on it!!!!! what?!? Yeah, I told them to cut up a pinnapple for me the night before and they loaded it with salt. I did not like it at all. So, this time they didn't put salt on it and it was so so so good! Delicious!!!!! I used the rest of the night chat with my roomy, talk with Ruth Ann who traveled with us. She is a riot!!!! Funny lady from down south....had me and my roomy cracking up laughing so hard!!!!! I also packed my things because we had to leave at 4am to catch a 8:30am flight. I got on the internet, listened to some music and never made it to bed....hmmm I stayed up all night reflecting on my experience! Before I knew it, it was time to leave for the airport. I get a knock on my door so I am thinking that it is Bishop Martin telling us to come on...NO, it is some of the young people bringing us a gift! They were wide awake and had stayed up making us some spices to go....WOW how special was that....totally unexpected!!!!! They actually made us a gift and brought it to us at the hotel. Then then went with us in a seperate car to the airport and stayed until we got on the plane! I was truly touched... So I go downstairs and get on the mini-bus for the last time!!!!! This time though we had luggage in addition to bodies and boy were we packed in...but you know what nothing changed...we still ended up picking up people!!!! Yes, we picked up 2 people at 4:30am!!!!!!! What!!!! So we stop and I am saying to myself...why are we stopping and who are we picking up at 4:30am- everyone should be asleep and we are not going to church! Plus, I am saying - no one else can fit in this mini-bus - we barely fit in this bus...and we are going home....but guess what ya'll - a mother and daughter had us pick them up so they see us off!!!!!! I could not believe that they actually got up at this time of morning to go with us to the airport! WOW How precious!!!!!!! The mother and daughter stayed along with the other two young ladies and the driver of the bus (mini-van) until we got on the plane!!!!!!! I was truly truly touched by the love!!!!!
So in reflecting on my was one in which I will never forget. I kept saying to myself, I am actually in Guyana, South America!I truly believe that it was God ordained and appointed. It was a desire of mine and God allowed it to come to pass. It is different to convey my feelings in totally, but what I have gained from this experience on a spiritual level is tremendous. While in church, I had moments where I just cried and cried...I was happy and grateful to be able to use the gifts that God has given me to be a blessing to others in a different part of the world! The purpose of our visit was to encourage the people/saints in Guyana and I believe that we accomplished that. We were able to display the love of God and our love for them because they are no different than we are. A soul came to the Lord and this was awesome and totally worth it all. One more person added to the Kingdom and snatched away from the enemy. Hip Hip Hooray...Guyana is a really poor place and it was sad to see some of the conditions, however, everyone that I met was happy in the state that they found themselves in. I did not hear one complaint...yes, they go "through" things like we do but they praise God anyhow! God is truly with them as He is with me in the states. This experience made me look at things a little differently and be grateful for that which I have. I realize how blessed I am!!!!! Although I shared some funny stories, know this that it was truly a life changing experience for me. I will never be the same since being in Guyana, South America!!!! The end.


  1. Hey Tonya, Shanon checking in. The photos and the blogs are absolutely breath taking. It must've been amazing to worship the same God on a totally different continent with fellow Christians. I'm sure it is an experience that you will never ever forget and I look forward to hearing more of your stories...I still can't believe you ended up falling...ouch! I love you guys and congrats again on your journey!

  2. Very very nice. From the beginning to the end. Awesome job! MISSION COMPLETE!
